How to Safely Store Fire Water Run-off

Water used to tackle a blaze can cause more environmental damage than the actual fire itself. Excess water used to tackle a fire emergency is what is referred to as fire water run-off. Some of this water will evaporate but large amounts can be released into local drainage networks or the ground and drain away. Several industrial and commercial sites store potentially hazardous materials or chemicals which, if exposed to fire or the subsequent fire water, can lead to a major environmental incident.

Create a Fire Prevention Plan

Businesses should have a fire prevention plan which contains procedures for controlling fire water run-off. In accordance with CIRIA (736) containment systems for the prevention of pollution, it should state the measures in place to collect, contain or store fire water in the event of an emergency and its safe disposal off site. Its safe management is also an essential requirement of fire prevention plans which are required by the Environment Agency as a condition of an environmental permit.

Contain Excess Water

Fire water must not be freely disposed of into the wider environment. To prevent unwanted fire water from running into drainage systems, nearby rivers or groundwater, a business should determine the run-off source and the potential flow pathways. It is crucial to identify the potential volume that can be safely stored on site through secondary and tertiary containment. For example, using temporarily blocked drains or use fixed or demountable containment areas.

Water that finds its way across a site in unexpected directions could end up in a river, sewer or in the ground causing dangerous environmental problems. Pollution incidents can lead to crippling costs to pay for the clean-up exercise, long term legal issues and loss of reputation, not to mention the damaging impact on the environment and wildlife.

Offer Clients Environmental Liability Insurance from LBU

To ensure your clients are adequately protected against such an incident, contact LBU. We are leading providers of environmental liability insurance cover that plugs the holes of traditional insurance policies. This includes cover for pollution clean-up operations, damage to protected species, business interruption and much more. Speak to us today to learn more about supplying EIL insurance to your clients.